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The Experience

“You can live out your destiny on the level of complete frustration or you can live it out in the sense of fulfillment and conversation.”  ~David Whyte

Blending health consultation, guided meditation and energy healing, Alexandra offers a unique healing experience that will provide you with tools and support to navigate your healing journey. Health is a state of wholeness and homeostasis. Alexandra helps identify places that are ready to be put into balance - whether in your life, body or energetic system. You will bring intentions and questions to discuss with Alexandra who will then guide you through a healing experience using her many gifts and tools including intuitive insight, cutting edge knowledge, somatic awareness, nature based wisdom, sound, song, energy healing and guided journeying. Your experience will be unique to you and different every time. You can expect to feel grounded, empowered and uplifted after your session; leaving with tools and guidance to move towards your goals and encourage balance in your life.


Let Alexandra support you in shifting from frustration to fulfillment, stagnancy to joy, overwhelm to wonder, fear to curiosity and creativity.​

If you are interested in private group experiences, ceremonies or a session outside of the available booking slots please contact us directly (hyperlink??)

Common reasons people seek Alexandra’s support:

  • Releasing old programing and paradigms to live more in alignment and authenticity 

  • Stepping into confidence and finding one’s voice, vision and creative expression

  • Finding purpose and meaning

  • Mystery ailments and health concerns

  • Navigating the medical or complementary health systems

  • Developing intuition or spiritual life

  • Feeling stuck or at a crossroads in life

  • Thriving as an empath

  • Navigating the journey and cycle of life/health/challenges

  • Optimizing lifestyle in balance with nature and universal energetics

  • Connecting more deeply with nature, nature based spirituality

  • Shifting from doing to being

  • Connecting to awe, wonder, joy

  • Releasing and healing old wounds, inner child work

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It is optimal to prepare your intention or question in advance. You can be open to themes in your life or synchronicities that arise as you come closer to the healing experience; these can show you what is ripe for transformation and healing. Hesitation and resistance arising is also very common as our ego does not like change.


Whether you come to the session in person or virtually, it is ideal not to come in rushing and to have time afterwards to process. Having a beverage, herbal tea or water, and a pen and paper can be nice during the session. If you are virtual, you should have a quiet space and a place to lie down for the energy healing/journey component. Virtual connections work best on Chrome.


Whether you are feeling uplifted and empowered or the session has stirred up some challenging themes, it is important to be gentle with yourself and take time to process and integrate the work that has been done. During the session the energetic shifts can feel gentle, subtle or non-existent depending on your sensitivity, despite this, reverberations of the work can be seen days, weeks, and months after the session. You may feel more sensitive or aware of the interconnectedness of our world for the next day or so. Please see this as a gift and proceed gently.


Tips and tools to support yourself at this time:

  • Taking time to process the session; taking a few hours before discussing what occurred with anyone and sitting in the medicine of your own energy. 

  • Drink lots of water and electrolytes

  • Try to avoid electronics, social media, external news and media and loud busy places/people for 24 hours if possible. 

  • Be gentle with yourself

  • Do not make any significant life changes in the next few weeks until the work has landed in a more integrated way

  • Reach out to friends, family or professionals if you need further support



What is the format of the session? The experience with Alexandra is relaxed and casual. Expect to come in and share your intention or questions. A conversation will ensue; Alexandra may ask clarifying questions or share her thoughts and intuitive channeling. Approximately 30-40 minutes into your session, Alexandra will have you relax, and will guide you in breathing or meditative/journeying experience. This allows Alexandra to relate and receive insights into your system in a different way, and can allow her to offer an energy clearing and healing to seal in the work you have done together. People usually describe this part as deeply relaxing, balancing and often insightful. Before you leave she will give you a list of guidance and recommendations to explore (usually by email within 24 hours of the session).

What can I expect from the recommendations? Alexandra draws from her vast experience and study to curate bespoke recommendations for you. These could include, but are not limited to: suggestions to bring to your medical provider around further investigations, treatments, referrals etc. Recommendations of alternative health practitioners to explore Recommendations on reading around different health topics and/or supplements or natural remedies that have been known to be helpful Self work and healing practices Guided meditations or breath practices to explore at home Journaling prompts or daily mantras to explore

How can I prepare for the session? Please prepare your intention or question in advance. As with any energy healing modality, once you book the session you may notice themes or synchronicities occurring. Take note of what is happening for you and develop your question or intention for the session. In an ideal world you would come relaxed and have time after to process your experience. You may wish to bring water or tea, and something to write on for after the experience If connecting virtually, please have a quiet, private space and come to the session relaxed. You may want to have a beverage and something to write on if you wish to take notes. It would be ideal and really special to have some time to process your experience in a quiet and calm environment after the session before you fully re-enter your life.

What if I have special needs or concerns? Please inquire directly.

How often should a client come see you? We recommend a maximum of monthly. It is important to process and integrate the experience and put the recommendations into action. Some people will come to Alexandra regularly for support with their current process; others will love a one time connection to help with a difficult time or decision.

Why is this not medical if you are a doctor? No diagnosis, investigation or therapy of medical concerns are done. While Alexandra is a medical doctor, she is not working as a medical doctor with The Mystic Medicine.

What kind of concerns should one bring? Alexandra loves helping people navigate their healing journey. Whether the journey is health related, based in a life decision or related to connecting more deeply on a spiritual level, Alexandra is excited to support you. Alexandra loves to work with people who are spiritual curious, yearning for something more, or have a rumble within themselves that doesn’t feel understood. She specializes in a spiritual and ancient wisdom approach to healing which is grounded in finding balance through contemplation, observation and transformation. While her work is supportive, empowering and insightful it is also not for the faint of heart. There are no quick fixes or bandaid approaches here. It’s important that you are open-minded and resonate with Alexandra’s perspective of body-mind-spirit inter-connectedness. If you are interested in getting more of a sense of Alexandra, check out her instagram at @themysticmedicine or join her newsletter at ___

What would be some reasons to seek other types of support? All medical concerns should be discussed with a doctor or medical practitioner. Common reasons people seek Alexandra’s support: Releasing old programing and paradigms to live more in alignment and authenticity Stepping into confidence and finding one’s voice, vision and creative expression Finding purpose and meaning Mystery ailments and health concerns Navigating the medical or complementary health systems Developing intuition or spiritual life Feeling stuck or at a crossroads in life Thriving as an empath Navigating the journey and cycle of life/health/challenges Optimizing lifestyle in balance with nature and universal energetics Connecting more deeply with nature, nature based spirituality Shifting from doing to being

Is this covered by extended insurance or other coverage? Unfortunately, this offering is not covered by extended health insurance and is entirely private pay. Some health spending accounts will cover this offering under ‘health coaching’ or ‘health education’ but you will have to inquire with your personal insurance provider.

What is your inspiration/philosophy? You are your own best healer Health is based in balance Your body is innately wise and will move into equilibrium when appropriately supported Healing is a process of uncovering old patterns and paradigms that need integration to come into a whole understanding of self. It is a continuous, lifelong process that should be approached with levity and compassion. ‘Healing’ in this way is a way of life, a way of walking with curiosity, with mystery; navigating with a felt sense and gratitude for the journey.

What is your background and training? Besides her training in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Alexandra has pursued many other trainings and line’s of self development Trainings: Continued mentorship with Ric Arseneau 2024 Quantum Biology Certification 2023-2024 Intuitive Plant Medicine with Asia Suler 2023 Witch Wound and Witch Wise mentorship with D. Hanekamp 2020-2023 Solution Focussed Therapy, level 1 training 2022 Group Therapy Mentoring with Dr. Ric Arseneau 2019 - 2020 The Science and Art of Herbalism Rosemary Gladstar 2019 Women’s Functional & Integrative Medicine Professional Training 2019 Reiki 1& 2 2016, 2018 Observership with Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Narrative Medicine 2018 Private Mindfulness training 2017-2018 Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate, MD 9/2017 Energy Healing Essentials with Ann Marie Chiasson, MD 9/2017



What is the format of the session? The experience with Alexandra is relaxed and casual. Expect to come in and share your intention or questions. A conversation will ensue; Alexandra may ask clarifying questions or share her thoughts and intuitive channeling. Approximately 30-40 minutes into your session, Alexandra will have you relax, and will guide you in breathing or meditative/journeying experience. This allows Alexandra to relate and receive insights into your system in a different way, and can allow her to offer an energy clearing and healing to seal in the work you have done together. People usually describe this part as deeply relaxing, balancing and often insightful. Before you leave she will give you a list of guidance and recommendations to explore (usually by email within 24 hours of the session).

What can I expect from the recommendations? Alexandra draws from her vast experience and study to curate bespoke recommendations for you. These could include, but are not limited to: suggestions to bring to your medical provider around further investigations, treatments, referrals etc. Recommendations of alternative health practitioners to explore Recommendations on reading around different health topics and/or supplements or natural remedies that have been known to be helpful Self work and healing practices Guided meditations or breath practices to explore at home Journaling prompts or daily mantras to explore

How can I prepare for the session? Please prepare your intention or question in advance. As with any energy healing modality, once you book the session you may notice themes or synchronicities occurring. Take note of what is happening for you and develop your question or intention for the session. In an ideal world you would come relaxed and have time after to process your experience. You may wish to bring water or tea, and something to write on for after the experience If connecting virtually, please have a quiet, private space and come to the session relaxed. You may want to have a beverage and something to write on if you wish to take notes. It would be ideal and really special to have some time to process your experience in a quiet and calm environment after the session before you fully re-enter your life.

What if I have special needs or concerns? Please inquire directly.

How often should a client come see you? We recommend a maximum of monthly. It is important to process and integrate the experience and put the recommendations into action. Some people will come to Alexandra regularly for support with their current process; others will love a one time connection to help with a difficult time or decision.

Why is this not medical if you are a doctor? No diagnosis, investigation or therapy of medical concerns are done. While Alexandra is a medical doctor, she is not working as a medical doctor with The Mystic Medicine.

What kind of concerns should one bring? Alexandra loves helping people navigate their healing journey. Whether the journey is health related, based in a life decision or related to connecting more deeply on a spiritual level, Alexandra is excited to support you. Alexandra loves to work with people who are spiritual curious, yearning for something more, or have a rumble within themselves that doesn’t feel understood. She specializes in a spiritual and ancient wisdom approach to healing which is grounded in finding balance through contemplation, observation and transformation. While her work is supportive, empowering and insightful it is also not for the faint of heart. There are no quick fixes or bandaid approaches here. It’s important that you are open-minded and resonate with Alexandra’s perspective of body-mind-spirit inter-connectedness. If you are interested in getting more of a sense of Alexandra, check out her instagram at @themysticmedicine or join her newsletter at ___

What would be some reasons to seek other types of support? All medical concerns should be discussed with a doctor or medical practitioner. Common reasons people seek Alexandra’s support: Releasing old programing and paradigms to live more in alignment and authenticity Stepping into confidence and finding one’s voice, vision and creative expression Finding purpose and meaning Mystery ailments and health concerns Navigating the medical or complementary health systems Developing intuition or spiritual life Feeling stuck or at a crossroads in life Thriving as an empath Navigating the journey and cycle of life/health/challenges Optimizing lifestyle in balance with nature and universal energetics Connecting more deeply with nature, nature based spirituality Shifting from doing to being

Is this covered by extended insurance or other coverage? Unfortunately, this offering is not covered by extended health insurance and is entirely private pay. Some health spending accounts will cover this offering under ‘health coaching’ or ‘health education’ but you will have to inquire with your personal insurance provider.

What is your inspiration/philosophy? You are your own best healer Health is based in balance Your body is innately wise and will move into equilibrium when appropriately supported Healing is a process of uncovering old patterns and paradigms that need integration to come into a whole understanding of self. It is a continuous, lifelong process that should be approached with levity and compassion. ‘Healing’ in this way is a way of life, a way of walking with curiosity, with mystery; navigating with a felt sense and gratitude for the journey.

What is your background and training? Besides her training in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Alexandra has pursued many other trainings and line’s of self development Trainings: Continued mentorship with Ric Arseneau 2024 Quantum Biology Certification 2023-2024 Intuitive Plant Medicine with Asia Suler 2023 Witch Wound and Witch Wise mentorship with D. Hanekamp 2020-2023 Solution Focussed Therapy, level 1 training 2022 Group Therapy Mentoring with Dr. Ric Arseneau 2019 - 2020 The Science and Art of Herbalism Rosemary Gladstar 2019 Women’s Functional & Integrative Medicine Professional Training 2019 Reiki 1& 2 2016, 2018 Observership with Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Narrative Medicine 2018 Private Mindfulness training 2017-2018 Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate, MD 9/2017 Energy Healing Essentials with Ann Marie Chiasson, MD 9/2017


The Experience

Blending health consultation, guided meditation and energy healing, Alexandra offers a unique healing experience that will provide you with tools and support to navigate your healing journey. Health is a state of wholeness and homeostasis. Alexandra helps identify places that are ready to be put into balance - whether in your life, body or energetic system. You will bring intentions and questions to discuss with Alexandra who will then guide you through a healing experience using her many gifts and tools including intuitive insight, cutting edge knowledge, somatic awareness, nature based wisdom, sound, song, energy healing and guided journeying. Your experience will be unique to you and different every time. You can expect to feel grounded, empowered and uplifted after your session; leaving with tools and guidance to move towards your goals and encourage balance in your life.


Let Alexandra support you in shifting from frustration to fulfillment, stagnancy to joy, overwhelm to wonder, fear to curiosity and creativity.


If you are interested in private group experiences, ceremonies or a session outside of the available booking slots please contact us directly (hyperlink)


What is the format of the session? The experience with Alexandra is relaxed and casual. Expect to come in and share your intention or questions. A conversation will ensue; Alexandra may ask clarifying questions or share her thoughts and intuitive channeling. Approximately 30-40 minutes into your session, Alexandra will have you relax, and will guide you in breathing or meditative/journeying experience. This allows Alexandra to relate and receive insights into your system in a different way, and can allow her to offer an energy clearing and healing to seal in the work you have done together. People usually describe this part as deeply relaxing, balancing and often insightful. Before you leave she will give you a list of guidance and recommendations to explore (usually by email within 24 hours of the session).

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